Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wet and Wormy

Waking up to pounding on the trampoline outside.
Worms stretched out on the sidewalk avoiding a watery grave.
Raindrops pattering, spattering
It's a wet and wormy day.

People running here and there trying to stay dry.
Windshield wipers rhythmic chant keeping us alive.
Wind blowing, flowing
It's a wet and wormy day.

Puddles unavoidable because they're all around.
Children huddled waiting for the bus, wishing it were here.
Umbrellas bobbing, mobbing
It's a wet and wormy day.

Monday, May 23, 2011

"I will never.....

 ....play sword fighting on the trampoline again!" That's what Cutie said  on the way to the Dr. office after he fell off the trampoline three weeks ago. Of course if I had known what they were doing I would have stopped it sooner. He came to the door crying and kept crying for about an hour. I thought it might be broken and told him so. He asked me if they would cut his arm off!

Here's his swollen up elbow that night. He was pretty excited to get the x-ray. He was really excited to see the bones in his arm. Apparently he thougt x-rays were only something in cartoons. He said he didn't know x-rays were real. 
Here he is with the splint and sling we got that night. He doesn't look too unhappy here and he really wasn't after we had been to the Dr. and gotten some ibuprofen in him. Just a couple of days later the neighbor called and asked if he should be jumping on their trampoline! Of course I said he better wait at least until he had a cast on it. After a week with the splint so the swelling could go down we went back to the Dr. to get a cast.
This hasn't stopped Cutie from doing much--only going to the school swim party. Here he is with his nice green cast running in the Wildcat Run at school. A couple more weeks and he'll get the cast off and be back to normal.

Tulip Time!

 I got the best gift for Mothers' Day! My tulips bloomed the day before. Something about watching things grow and bloom just excites me. I walk around my yard watching how much my plants have grown and counting the buds as I find them. I feel a little silly but I just love the anticipation of knowing that the beautiful colors will be coming soon.

Seven or eight years ago I planted lilac bush in my yard and waited and waited and waited for the amazing and intoxicating scent in the spring. About three years ago it got one rather disappointing bloom on it that lasted about a day. You can imagine my joy and pleasure this year at finding about thirty of these...
 on my bush! Finally after years of waiting I'm going to have lilacs on my bush! Wahoo!!!!!!

I also got for Mothers' Day this lovely sculpture made by Cutie. He was so cute as he kept asking me for more and more food to add to it. This kid is going to be an artist---or an engineer----I can't wait to see!