Sunday, July 18, 2010

A misnomer

When I started this blog a couple of years ago I decided to use nicknames for my children for privacy purposes. It was so easy to come up with the right names for Juice, Sonny Pie, Superstar & Cutie but Silly Guy was a puzzle. He is rather silly sometimes-- like when he's wearing a chicken hat we got for free from the grocery store and singing "cock-a-doodle-doo" along with the radio in the car, or when he pretends to call me to tattle on his brother and get him in trouble--but silly doesn't really encompass who Silly guy is like the names of the other kids.

So after much consideration and discussion with Silly Guy his name is being changed to......oh let me explain first.

This boy is a little bit of everything---artist, author, athlete, scientist, worker, builder, tease, sensitive, tough---it's really difficult to sum him up in one or two words. So there's someone in history who I think of that way also--he was an artist, scientist, author, philosopher, and who knows what else('cause I'm not really a historian!). From what I have learned this person was so diverse and difficult to sum up in a word or two so we decided to re-nickname(is that a word?) Silly Guy after him.

He never did like being called Silly Guy and so we are thrilled to announce that
his new blog nickname is now DaVinci because he is so diverse just like Leonardo DaVinci.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What is a hero?

This morning Superstar came to me talking all about how a hero never submits. He was very anxious for me to know that he wanted to be a hero by never submitting. I was prompted to use this as a teaching moment and gave him some food for thought by telling him that sometimes a hero is someone who does what's right even when everone else around them is not. Or sometimes a hero is someone who admits when he's been wrong.

I am grateful for heroes in my life who have taught me these concepts and been good examples of them. Especially my wonderful children who are much better at standing up for the right than I was at their age!

6 years old!

I am behind about a week as you can tell but Cutie had a fantastic 6th birthday last week. In between opera dress rehearsals we had tickets to we managed to fit some balloons, presents and cake & ice cream. He was so excited to get a new slip-n-slide, swim goggles, and a really cool shark swim towel. What a great day!


Well I did it! I ran in the Blacksmith Fork Freedom Run 15k on July 3. It was really hard! Between miles 3 and 4 my left hip started hurting and that made it even harder. The last two miles I was really slow but I finished in 1:52.47 overall which was just a little slower than I had hoped for. It was kind of fun to do this with my hubby although he's much faster and more experienced than me. He asked me afterwards if I wanted to run in the Top of Utah Half Marathon in September and I told him I am done with long runs for this year. But we'll see what might come up next year!