Monday, July 20, 2009

Me?..... Become a what?.......

A few weeks ago some little voice in the back of my mind said to me, "you should become a runner." That was quite an unbelievable thing for a voice in my mind to say since I have always really hated running.
My dear husband has been a runner since he was young--in middle school he ran 10 miles just for fun to see if he could do it. He runs every day during his lunch hour and he ran in the 15k Freedom Run on July 4th for the fourth time. I've always told him I'm not a runner. I like to walk---really fast and as far as you want, but I don't run.
I have several friends who like to run, and some who even run marathons. I have always thought it's not for me. I HATE to sweat, and even more to have people see me sweat! But then this little voice......It may have something to do with Andrea, my friend who was "invited" by someone she knows to train for the St. George marathon. She wasn't a runner either although I don't think she objected as strongly as I did. Anyway, she's training with her friend and is doing great.
So I Googled "how to become a runner" and found some suggestions and here I go.....
For the last 3 weeks I've been getting up at 6am and going running following this plan:

From the very first day I had more energy all day. I think that's partly just from getting up. I really am a morning person. It's difficult having a husband who is a night person because he wants me to stay up late with him, then I'm tired in the morning and don't want to get up. Anyway, I haven't managed to go more than three times a week. I'm determined to go four times this week and then we're leaving town for six days. I don't know if I'll be able to run while we're gone.
Even with my inconsistency it's getting easier. Maybe I really can be a runner. I don't think I will ever run a marathon....I don't really care about that, but maybe some year I can run with Stephen in the 15k?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Cutie!

We had a fun water party for Cutie on his birthday with a pool and slip-n-slide. We invited all the kids nearby. It was really fun. This little girl in the center would stop whatever she was doing to pose for the camera. I had to be sneaky to get pictures of anyone else.

cupcakes and ice cream sandwiches!

The boys just wanted to stand on the slip-n-slide to make the water spray higher rather than sliding.

Cutie had a fun day.......especially with those goggles! He insisted that we get some for the party!