Monday, March 21, 2011

The big 1-2!

 DaVinci's big day finally arrived. He has been planning and looking forward to his twelfth birthday for a very long time. So many things to decide--whether he wanted presents or just money, whether to get the priesthood on his birthday(which just happened to conveniently fall on a Sunday) or wait 'til the next week when maybe some family could come to be with us, whether to have a party or not. All of the decisions got made and DaVinci planned his own party and carried it out with no help from me except making the cake.

They played frisbee, Apples to Apples, and trampoline games. Davinci says it was a successful party so I guess it was!

The whole crew
Trampoline games

Busy times!

 Things are starting to pop around here---lots happening. Of course there is always a lot happening so I just couldn't skip over a few fun events over the last little while so here's a quick review:

Superstar doing the Boot Scootin' Boogie at the school dance program. Cutie got to do the chicken dance, but none of my pictures turned out.

DaVinci and Superstar getting their orange belts.

Pinewood Derby. Superstar got the award for the 'most outlandish' car. He asked me what that meant and I told him it was the most cool and crazy car. He thought that was great!

DaVinci at his winter orchestra concert. Wow! That sixth grade orchestra is good! How wonderful that our kids have the opportunity to be part of something exceptional without it costing us a fortune!

All the boys gathered around the piano singing songs from Newsies. This is a really blurry photo, but by the time I tried to take another one they caught me and wouldn't stay where they were. I just couldn't leave it out.
Icon ski night. The only pictures I took were of the snow sliding off the roof of the lodge. The pictures don't do it justice. It was hanging way out off the edge. The area was fenced off so it wouldn't fall on anyone.

Superstar in the 4th and 5th grade spelling bee. He is asking the judge to repeat the word since he pronounced "museum" really strangely.

Brothers! They are just so cute!

Friday, March 18, 2011


I was searching for patterns to crochet a granny square bag and I came across this wonderful website/blog called ZoomYummy. It is so fun--lots of recipes and crafts(especially crochet patterns for simple things like slippers and bags). I'm going back there soon!